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The Challenge

Evaluating the current website and redesigning it to address its drawbacks.

Main Objective

  • Providing a user friendly experience
  • Increasing the website's accessibility and making it easier to understand the services.
  • Proving a user experience which is aligned with the goals of the company and its value proposition.

The Process

After understanding the Challenge and objectives, my plan of action consists of 4 major parts:
1. Research
2. Analyse
3. Plan of Improvement
4. Deliver
  • Understanding the user.

  • Understanding the company, it’s products, values etc.

Analysing the existing website with the help of user research etc.




In an effort to understand the challenge, I decided to break it into two parts:
  • Understanding the user.
  • Understanding the company, it’s products, values etc.
So I reached out to my friends and asked them to visit the website and observed their reactions. This approach was used on a small scale since the majority of it focused on people between the ages of 18 and 26, but in a real-world project, we could conduct surveys and other research to better understand users of all ages.
Following were the opinons on current website:
  • The website is inconsistent.
  • The website's layout is confusing.
  • It takes time to understand the information.
  • Site isn't interactive
  • Lack of a working product flow.
  • No visual representation of the product or service to explain how things operate.
  • The contents were not in any particular order.







About Us



The primary task after determining what a user needs is to evaluate the current website and make improvements. So, using user research, my personal judgement, and comparisons to other well-known websites, I listed some pros and cons of the current website.

Good Points

  • Page displays the landing page's current section.
  • Users can access any section with ease by using the navigation bar.

Bad Points

  • It is very difficult to navigate the website due to lack of conventional buttons and other elements.
  • The layout, colours, and spacing are inconsistent.
  • The website lacks neccessary CTAs.
  • When redirecting a user to an external website, there are no confirmation messages.
  • The information displayed is extensive.
  • Users are frequently required to read paragraphs of text in order to find relevant information.
  • The lack of a FAQ or a Sitemap forces users to explore the site in order to find the desired destination.


Plan of Improvement

The next task is to determine the scope for design interventions and solutions after analysing the current site.
Key areas:
  • Information Architecture
  • Consistency and Clarity
  • Accessibility
  • Readability
The plan is to redesign the current website with the following improvements.
  • Finding information is simple.
  • Information visibility
  • Providing responses to general inquiries
  • The website's modularity
  • Overall feel and Visuals



The following wireframes were made after the previously mentioned process
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WhatsApp Image 2022-12-04 at 12.15.45 AM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-12-04 at 12.15.45 AM.jpeg
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Final Design and Comparison

Frame 22.png
Adding a choice of languages for users around the world makes the website more user-friendly.
Adding a demo video to help people understand the product.
Adding learn more pop-ups after each section will help keep the page from appearing crowded and will only display the essential information.


Home Section

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WhatsApp Image 2022-10-31 at 1.38.png


News Section

Users can easily find the specific news they're looking for with the help of the search bar, which is included.
By adding a sort feature, users will be able to order the news by date and other criteria.
Adding a filtering feature that would allow users to select the news they're interested in.
Including a "stay updated" section at the bottom of each page to allow users to send questions and receive product updates


Message Section

The addition of read more and about buttons will aid users in learning more about the founder and team while also preventing the page from looking crowded.


Services Section

Users can get all the information about the services the product offers, with the help of Learn more button.
Additionally, the swipe cards will enable users to view the customers who have used the product, fostering a bond of trust.


FAQ, Contact and Navigation Bar

Users can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the product in the FAQ section.

Wrapping Up - Continuing to optimize and add needed pages

I'll keep making adjustments and improvements while assessing the current redesign with the help of Feedback, tools, A/B testing, etc.
Next Steps:
  • If given more time, I would work with my peers to improve the website and gain more user experience 
  • Various methods like Heuristic Walkthrough can also be used on a larger scale.
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