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About Foundit

FoundIt is a cutting-edge job search platform that combines innovative technology with personalized guidance to help individuals advance their careers and find their dream jobs.

Why Redesign?

The decision to embark on the redesign journey for the FoundIt website was driven by our unwavering commitment to delivering an exceptional user experience. It is to elevate the platform's UI/UX design to better align with our brand values of innovation, personalization, and forward-thinking.

1. Search Bar: The search bar fell short in providing an optimal user experience, as users had to enter specific job titles or keywords, limiting their ability to explore popular job categories easily.

Solution: We implemented an intelligent autocomplete feature within the search bar, empowering users to discover and access popular job categories seamlessly while typing.

Current User Problems I Observed:

2. App Download Section: The placement of the app download section on the website did not effectively highlight the benefits and encourage users to download the FoundIt app.

Solution: We redesigned the mobile app section, emphasizing its prominent placement, captivating visuals, and persuasive messaging, enticing users to download and experience the app's full potential.


Research and Analysis:

  • Conducted user research to identify pain points and areas of improvements.

  • Analyzed user feedback, app analytics, and industry best practices to gain insights.

  • Studied competitors' apps and identified opportunities for differentiation.

Integration of new features

1. How It Works Section:

  • Overview: A concise explanation of how "foundit" connects job seekers and companies provides a clear understanding of the platform's purpose and benefits. It helps users quickly grasp the concept.

  • Step-by-step Process: Visual representation and brief descriptions guide users through the process of finding a job or posting an opening. It simplifies complex tasks and enhances user confidence.

2. Testimonials or Success stories section

  • Job Seeker Testimonials: Sharing success stories and positive experiences of job seekers builds trust and credibility. It demonstrates the effectiveness of "foundit" in helping job seekers find suitable positions.


3. Who we serve section

  • Highlighting the section as "Who We Serve" or "Who We Offer" clearly communicates the intended audience and emphasizes the platform's commitment to serving specific user groups.

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Testing and Iteration

  • Conducted usability testing with a diverse group of users to gather feedback on the redesigned app.

  • Iteratively refined the design based on user feedback, focusing on resolving pain points and optimizing user flows.

  • Ensured cross-device compatibility and responsiveness for a consistent experience across smartphones and tablets.


The redesigned Website successfully achieved the objectives.
Key outcomes include:

  • Improved User Experience: Users reported a more intuitive and enjoyable shopping experience, leading to increased engagement and retention rates.

  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: The visually pleasing design and improved aesthetics resonated well with users, contributing to a positive brand perception.

  • Is also attractive to companies seeking to post job listings and find qualified candidates..


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