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Main Objective

1 Vision, a conceptual non-profit organisation dedicated to improving education, health, livelihood, and female empowerment throughout India by encouraging everyone to participate in initiatives and programmes.

Business Goals

While thinking about the website of one vision, I came across three important business goals to keep in mind:
  • More donations
  • More volunteers
  • Greater participation


With the business goals in mind, I narrowed down the solution to raise awareness, establish trust, and educate the audience through the website, ultimately encouraging them to donate and participate.


To gain a better understanding of how we could more effectively address this problem, we conducted a series of user interviews and surveys. Questions I asked included:
  • Tell us more about what social issues you care about and why?
  • How do you access information about social issues you want to be involved in?
  • What factors influence you the most when deciding which social issues / organisations you want to be involved with?
  • What stops you from being more involved with organisations?

Uncovering the barriers to involvement

I utilised affinity mapping to uncover recurring patterns in the data gathered after polling 10 participants and performing 4 user interviews. I was able to identify some significant tendencies that we needed to address in the following stage of our design process as a result of this effort.
We discovered several significant pain spots, including:
  • People wanted to get more involved but didn't know where to begin.
  • They felt they couldn't make a difference on an individual basis
  • They wanted proof that organisations were reliable and in line with their values.
  • People felt they didn't have enough time, money, and educational resources to contribute.

User journey maps

Competitor/Comparative Analysis

We did a competition study to get ideas and find best practises for our website revamp. We started by visiting the websites of a number of different non-profit organisations, including as UNICEF, Smile foundation, Care India etc.
  • The location of the give button to emphasise it as the primary call to action was one commonality we found among these websites.
  • This was a crucial design strategy to take into account in order to make it simpler and more effective for consumers to participate and donate.
  • Every non-profit we looked at prominently displayed their mission statement, and most recent program with know more button at the top of their homepage, which is another frequent design pattern.
  • This was a crucial strategy for clearly explaining each nonprofit's objective to the user and aiding in their understanding of what each organisation performs.


In order to immediately catch the attention of our users, we designed a donate button as the main call to action, further highlighted by the yellow. By making the donate button easily visible, it would make it easier and more encouraging for users to contribute — bridging both the organisation and user needs
Get involved page, users could go could visit this page to inform themselves more about issues 1vision is trying to tackle, as well as easy ways they can get involved to make an impact.
I also designed a media centre page where users could learn more about events, stories, and other resources surrounding the issues.
I wanted to ensure that the user would feel confident and have trust in 1Vision so we made sure to incorporate this aspect into several different features throughout the website including:
  1. Prominently displayed mission statement on the homepage
  2. “About Us” page to give users a deeper understanding of 1vision
  3. “Our Impact” page showcasing facts and statistics about the impact 1vision has made in the community
  4. Included personal testimonials from people impacted by or involved with us.
Our services and donation page
I wanted to make the money donation process more simple for users that might not have a lot of time to get more involved, but still want to contribute. We redesigned the money donation page to include suggested amounts individuals could donate. Additionally, we made sure to provide a compelling and short reason why they should donate and the impact their donation would have.
Other Screens
Pouring Sand

Next Steps: Looking At The Bigger Picture

Moving forward with this project, I’d like to start looking at the bigger picture of how to get more individuals involved.
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